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But also...
The Maison Flotte
Cultural Center
Zoological garden
Logo of the theater Galli

  • By phone: 04-94-88-53-90
  • By fax: 04-94-88-53-99
  • By mail:
    Address your bulletin to
    Théâtre Galli - BP 24 - 83110 Sanary sur mer.
  • To the theater:
    from Tuesday to Friday of 10h to 12h30 and 15h to 18h.
    days of spectacles of 10h to 12h30 and 15h to 20h.
    Sundays for mornings of 10h to 12h and 14h to 15h.
  • Points of renting:
    The tickets for the spectacles of the Theater Galli are on sale during the season to the Theater Galli, or at the F.N.A.C of Toulon and Marseille, at Continent Ollioules, at the Tourism Office of La Seyne and the day itself and eve of certain spectacles on the 3615 CDTS (Coup de Théâtre, reduced prices).

Normal Reduced * Young
5 spectacles 700frs 650frs 400frs
10 spectacles 1.250frs 1.115frs 750frs
15 spectacles 1.650frs 1.500frs 900frs
All the season 3.200frs 2.800frs 2.200frs

Particular tariffs
  • For schoolboys and high school students of the Var.
    In the setting of the operation BUS-THEATER led by the General Council of the Var, the service of the action cultural of the Rectory and Theaters of the Var. Information to the Theater Galli and to professors.
  • For holders of the Young Passport, the DIEM map and the Pass'Art.
  • For subscribers of theaters of the west Var:
    The Theater Appolinaire to La Seyne, the 4 seasons of the Revest at Le Revest les Eaux, L'Espace Comédia of Toulon and the Theater du Rocher of La Garde.
  • For pupils of schools of Music of the west Var, the exemption from payment to concerts.