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the history of Sanary
The tower of Sanary
The harbor of Sanary
1688: Victory and joy
1707: Twenty-two
ships in roadstead

1789: The revolution
1859: The first train
XXth century
1923: Sanary on sea


The year 1663, June 23, to the borough of Saint-Nazaire, syndics of the place passed a transaction with François of Vintimille of Marseille's Earls, their Lord. This transaction by which the Lord of Vintimille promised to do everything to get the separation with Ollioules, was made with various guarantees for the borough. Among others, right to wear the hood for consuls elected, use of emblem's Lord for those of the borough, etc.
The Lord proposed that around this emblem would come to write down itself the mention «Saint-Nazaire - Beauport»
Alas rejected, the tentative of separation didn't get any success. Therefore, the transaction was annulled at Aix.
The proposed emblem cannot be adopted.
But syndics, the Lord, inhabitants, their friends persisted and in spite of the King's orders, one redid a demand in separation. Colbert, principal objector having died, the King Louis XIV finally by law in date of July 10, 1688 gave his consent.
In September, one undertook to limit the granted soil to Saint-Nazaire, fixed to the third of the total soil of Ollioules. To mark its limits, two experts come from Aix, remained to Saint-Nazaire during one month and half, prominent by terms and marks engraved on rocks the new limits.
Sign of Sanary On the two terms were engraved «a tower on two palms and a cross above». It was the new emblem that had chosen the new consuls.
Later, in 1697, it's this emblem that was put down to the Recipe of Rights of emblem registration, created by edict of the month of November 1696 of the King Louis XIV. It is Gentleman of Cuges, of the Tourelle, treasurer of the community who made the deposit of it. The amount of rights rose to 20 livres (old french money).
The emblem is represent to the armorial general, under the n°315 (National Library, Paris, 7399-30-Provence II, Blas. Col. P. 1160).
The original text (french) that comes with it is the next one:
«Porte d’azur à une tour d’argent sommée d’une croisette, de même, la tour massonée de sable, ajourée d’une porte, et de deux lucarnes de même et côtoyée de deux palmes d’or, les tiges passées en sautoir».
In English:
«Door of azure to a tower of silver added of a croisette, in the same way, a tower build like sand, with a door, and of two sky lights in the same way and coasted of two palms of gold, the past stems in chain».